« Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world »
Maria Montessori

1 project created
Project context
AKIBA, heritage in Malagasy, is an association, which promotes and support sustainable activities link to education and nature in Nosy Komba.
Located in the middle of the rainforest, its values are the sharing of knowledge, openness to the world and the protection of the environment.
In this circumstances, a “bush” school welcome 30 students split in 2 classes, from key stage 2 and 3.
Faced with the growing demand of parents to send their children to AKIBA, a third class has recently been built. We strive to ensure that children benefit from a complete education and work in good conditions, to do this we need furniture and teaching materials.
Your help would allow 15 children to access a good quality education. This new classroom is also an opportunity for the older students enter secondary school. The opening of a new class requires an additional salary, being a small association, a boost to start us would be necessary before being able to sustain this project in the long run.
About the project
Our project concerns the opening of a third classroom in AKIBA. The objective is to allow children to access to a proper education by studying in good conditions. In order to do so we need to build furniture as tables, chairs, and shelfs but we need to electrify the classroom.
Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world, so education is the one way to make this change. This would help populations to improve their quality of life and to make them more conscious about their environment and about the current global issues.
Project Initiator
After having being a trekking guide during 15 years at La Réunion and sailing to the winds around the Malagasy’s coasts, Jérôme Miquel has unpacked his suitcases in Nosy Komba’s mountains, native land of his wife, of Vitae Soa.
Facing the potential of the location, in 2015 he decided to found an association called AKIBA.
AKIBA, meaning heritage in Malagasy, is an association, which promotes and supports sustainable activities link to education and nature in Nosy Komba.
Located on the heights of the island, in the middle of the tropical forest, its values are the sharing of knowledge, openness to the world and the protection of the environment.
AKIBA is involve in three projects:
Education: A “bush” school hosting 30 students divided into 2 classes, whose activities of awakening are centered on nature… and soon, with your help, a third one!
Agriculture: A farm where the local population cultivate fruits, and vegetables. Farm’s products grew by a mix of tradition and agro-ecologic innovations.
Environmental protection: preservation of the local fauna and flora, endemic species plantations, support of environmental issues.
Support and help can be brought through subventions or skills: donation, membership, child’s sponsorship, volunteering, and tourism.
Our needs
The crowdfunding will be used to purchase the equipment to build furniture (tables, chairs, shelves and electrical equipment) dedicated to the new class. Every thing will be build on site by volunteers, and workers of the association.
Jamaafunding’s fee = 7%
- Veneer: To build tables, the teacher’s office and the blackboard.
- Rafters: To realize the structure of the table, the feet and the blackboard.
- Wood boards: To realize the tables’ structures.
- Paints and brushes: To paint the class.
- Electrical equipment: To electrify the school
Products |
Quantity |
Unit price |
Total |
Veneer |
3 |
53 000AR 54 000AR |
160 000AR |
Wood boards |
25 |
20 000AR |
500 000AR |
Rafters |
5 |
20 000AR |
100 000AR |
Paint pots1kg + Brushes |
6 |
15 000AR |
90 000AR |
Slate pots 1kg |
1 |
15 000AR |
15 000AR |
Electric cables |
50m |
6000AR |
300 000AR |
Light bulbe |
4 |
5000AR |
20 000AR |
Various electrical equipment (sockets, joints) |
- |
- |
100 000AR |
Social Impact
45 persons helped
Which factors make the way to school difficult?
The way to school is difficult for the children due to the remoteness of the villages on the Nosy Komba’s mountain. There are no roads, only trails followed by foot. AKIBA is one hour walking from the coast and twenty minutes from the top of the mountain.
Where do your funds to run the school come from?
Subventions come from: donation, membership, AKIBA’s Farm’s products, tourism (with the lodge and the table d’hôte), and volunteers’ financial participation.
Do you benefit from any external help (volunteering, pedagogic materials)?
Each year we receive volunteers mostly from France and Belgium for 2 weeks to 1 year. We are able to receive 5 volunteers at the time. Among those volunteers, teachers bring European’s pedagogies inspirations. School materials, educational materials, and board games are send either by post or brought by people in suitcases.
How do you hire teachers?
Most of the time we create a post on social medias to touch maximum of people. Also we hire through word of mouth. When selecting teachers, we make sure that they have teaching skills but also they should be comfortable living in nature.
Which curriculum do you follow?
We follow a mix of the French’s and the Malagasy’s curriculum.
What are the skills acquired by children when leaving AKIBA?
The three classes should cover three levels that correspond to the primary and secondary school. The children are from 3 to 10 years old. At the end of the curriculum they should be able, to write and read in French and Sakalava (the local language). They have skills in English, and know how to count (multiplication, addition, subtraction), but also they love to learn about cooking, and tinkering. Sport is part of their education, this help them to explore their bodies. Living in the middle of nature and having knowledge about it allows them to understand well their environment and its preservation.
You say that 45 children will be impact by th project, but there will be only 15 news students in this classroom. In what way the 30 others will be impacted?
The welcoming of the 15 new primary children and of their new teacher will allow the student already scolarised to follow their curriculum and to pass to the next level. The present teachers will keep their current students.
Emmanuelle Miquel - Aug 15, 2019
bravo pour tout ce que vous faites. EmmanuelleCounterparts !
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Un lettre rédigée par les enfants
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La participation minimum requise est de 1E.
Nous récompenserons tous les participants avec des contreparties réalisées par les enfants eux-mêmes (lettres, dessins, cartes postales, photos etc...).
Merci d'être solidaires pour nos enfants !
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La participation minimum requise est de 1E.
Nous récompenserons tous les participants avec des contreparties réalisées par les enfants eux-mêmes (lettres, dessins, cartes postales, photos etc...).
Merci d'être solidaires pour nos enfants !
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La participation minimum requise est de 1E.
Nous récompenserons tous les participants avec des contreparties réalisées par les enfants eux-mêmes (lettres, dessins, cartes postales, photos etc...).
Merci d'être solidaires pour nos enfants !
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Une méga surprise + récompenses précédentes
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La participation minimum requise est de 1E.
Nous récompenserons tous les participants avec des contreparties réalisées par les enfants eux-mêmes (lettres, dessins, cartes postales, photos etc...).
Merci d'être solidaires pour nos enfants !