The market of made in Benin
<<To become tall, see you tall and dream big>>
Ghislain TCHAOU alias Champion229

1 project created
Project context
From August 2017 to the present, I and my team have managed to recruit 05 producers of local products including a producer of sunflower oil, baobab and nutgrass; an infant flour producer, a rice producer, a taste enhancer and seasoning producer and a coconut cream whiskey producer. In addition to recruiting these producers, we also work to study the market for each of these producers, we also create an e-commerce site destined only to sell and promote Beninese products. As of today, we are looking for ways to acquire rolling stock to be more efficient in distributing and investing in communication story to communicate around the products and also strengthen the production capabilities of producers.
About the project
In Benin, it is found that only two out of ten companies manage to ensure a good distribution and a better promotion of their products although these products do not lack quality. And this is due to the lack of mastery of the distribution channels, the poor presentation of products (packaging), effective techniques of promotions or the lack of concentration on the aspect (the shutter) distribution and production, which creates the dispersion energies. This state of affairs does not encourage young companies / industries to produce in sufficient quality and quantity and hope to make good sales because they are not present on the market. We know that to sell these products and to feel satisfied and ready to produce more in sufficient quality and quantity, you have to be present in the markets with a good promotion strategy in order to achieve your objectives. It should be pointed out that the lack of a distribution and promotion strategy is at the root of the discouragement and the disappearance of many young companies / production industries in Benin. Apart from the absence of the products of these companies / industries, over the whole national territory, we also have the absence of the products of these companies on the sub-regional and international markets whereas these countries constitute a big potential market to better sell these products. Ex (Nigeria, Ghana and others which with their demographic make up a large market for consumption). Faced with these many problems faced by SMEs / SMEs in Benin, we decided to create TGS in order to provide adequate solutions to these various problems related to promotion, presentation (packaging, packaging) and distribution products '' made in Benin ''.
Our vision is to help companies ensure the distribution and the promotion of their product in order to guarantee a high visibility and flow on the national and international level while encouraging the population to opt for local consumption being the best specialized company in the distribution and promotion of "Made in Benin" products / brands internationally by 2022. MISSIONAs a mission, we encourage: Local productionLocal consumptionThe promotion of Beninese brandsThe development of the national economyThe reduction of the unemployment rate.
Our goal is to bring the Beninese people to consume products made in Benin wherever they are by promoting and the presence of these products on the national market at first, the sub-regional market and finally in a third. the international market in order to allow companies / industries to grow exponentially to develop the national economy.
As specific objectives we ensure:
- the distribution of "made in Benin" products manufactured by Beninese companies on the national, sub-regional and international markets;
- the promotion of "made in Benin" products / brands manufactured by Beninese companies at the national, sub-regional and international levels
-Make business brands, successful brands;
- Ensure the visibility of local products produced by Beninese companies;
-Promote local products;
-Provide a full-time distribution of your products throughout the national and international territory;
-Organization of events such as: exhibitions, forests in order to encourage the population to opt for local products, and at the same time make them discover the product
- Organization of discussion forums between brand / product promoters with the aim of finding perspectives to make their products competitive on the markets in the face of foreign products.
- Organization of trade fair for local products / brands in order to allow consumers to discover these products.
- Soliciting market managers (supermarkets, shops, kiosks ...) to play their part in promoting local products.
- Organization by moment of campaign of sensitization and promotion through the cities of Benin.
- Promotion of brands / products through internet magazines.
- ensure the packaging of products by providing companies with better graphic designers for the making of very good packaging.
Project Initiator
I am Ghislain TCHAOU, 21 years old boy. I am studying commercial diplomacy and market access at the VED institute (volunteer-entrepreneurship-development) at the University of Abomey Calavi in Benin. Concerning me, it is necessary to note that I am a very ambitious young person who burns with desire to realize big thing for my country Benin and my continent. This is what motivated me to set up a company that will be in charge of the promotion and distribution of '' made in Benin '' products on the national and international markets '' in order to positively impact l economy and indirectly the African economy and reveal the potentials and values of my country to the world. I dream big for my country and I firmly believe that I will do it because I believe in my abilities and in my realistic nature.
Our needs
The financing that I seek will be essentially to invest in the communication, the acquisition of rolling stock and the support of the producers for a better production as follows: 1,500,000 FCFA in digital and media communication;1,500,000 FCFA for the purchase of a tricycle to facilitate the distribution and purchase of a motorcycle for prospecting;1,000,000 FCFA to support producers at the production level.
Social Impact
100 persons helped
- How much direct employment your project is likely to create?
My project is likely to create 780 direct jobs in Benin in 2019.
- What is the problem that your project solves?
My project solves the problem of the unavailability of products '' made in Benin '' and by ricochet '' made in Africa on the markets.
- What is your long-term goal?
My long-term goal is to work for Benin and all Africa feeds, feeds the rest of the world and survives without import
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For 3077 € or more
Oscar of Beninese innovators
I intend to create a reward program for young innovators in Benin on behalf of my donor. This will be an annual program that will reward new young innovators each year in the areas of ICT, agri-food and renewable energy. These young people who will be the winner of each edition will be accompanied by a sum of two million CFA francs) and will be followed over a period of 2 years to ensure that the support given to the young innovator has been used at good length.