Environment at the heart of education

6 backers

40 volunteer hours on 40
100% Complete


2 projects created

Project context

The protection of the environment is considérée as a préoccupation majeure not only of the State but also of the whole of the société civil constitutionée including NGOS, Association of local and of local populations. The one and the other mènent of actions in a concreteètent, visible, and more or less sustainable on the ground in the field of environmental management. The influence of their action on the environment is direct and perceptible, and the impact of their activités can &stop;tre évalué, monitoring, and apprécié à différent levels. L’emergency d’act to préserver our environment n’is more à déshow. We are all concernés, everyone can do something. The children are the adults of tomorrow, the citizens and the démakers of tomorrow; raising awareness à the protection of the environment, the amènera later à respect it because it respects what it knows cool;t and what it includes.

About the project

Education à the environment is one of the components of the Education à citizenshipé. Its goal is to promote a responsible behavior of the child today to be a citizen able to understand the issues of débats liés à the protection of the environment. So it will be able to take dédecisions réfléchies for him-m&stop, me and the générations futures, from the perspective of a désustainable development. This objective is rattaché système value backgroundé a éthic of the responsibilityé and solidarité, which should guide men in their relations to the environment and encourage respect for life. The mission of National Education is déto develop values such as citizenship à l'égard of the environment: raising awareness élèves à the impact of their behaviour. The environment, it is the nature, of course, that is to say, the natural environment physical and natural environment biological, but it is also the man, that is to say, the human environment staff, the social environment and éeconomic and cultural background. in the Face of hazards (déafforestation and déforestation, advancedé désert, climatic upheaval) that during the environment in the Bénin current, it is of paramount importance, to become aware of their conséquences à long-term and opt for an action of prévention and répreparation. Il s’be créer in the lycées et collèges clubs environmental  his own where élevés will have à to learn the rèrules éléprecaution for the protection of nature and the well-&our vision to be social, éeconomic and cultural.   D’organize classes and green conférences to the public.

Project Initiator

L’association Youth and Training Environments  « JeForEn » is a group of young éstudents naturalists that  the fight against the dégradation of l’environment, promote culture, tourism, l’agriculture, l’éeducation and the social at the Bénin. It is an association à non-profit. It is constitutedée à these days of 23 members. In this project, far d’éeducate children à the protection of the’environment, we train éco-citizens, and éco-dépolicy makers; people dédevote  that will put the environmental protection at c&connection heart of their préoccupations of daily living. C’is how the’environment will be régénéré  à grande éscale and we will achieve a symbiosis écologique sustainable or &appear in very live mènerons a life of comfort. 

Our needs

We need better définish the project.   the the people with compéskills in the area of l’édevelopment of environmental projects the people with compéskills in the area of l’éducation of children the Of individuals with similar objectives.      

Social Impact

23 persons helped


  That has to be done to better protect the’environment ? To better protect the’environment it is necessary to train éco-citizens

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cards of recognition for the finds cool;tre the commitment of personalityé.