Rice GUEMON and coal bio-based ball of rice
Help the Rice Guemon In the C&taxes;te d'ivoire,for a désustainable development and s&burn;a.

1 project created
Project context
This project comes to fill the dédeficit of rice to the ivorian population and produce of the coal-organic in order to combat the déforestation abuse and to reduce the exploitation of the coal of wood to back up the for&stop;t. As in spite of thisé the annual increase in rice importation in the C&taxes;te d'ivoire, the qualityé of rice importée does not happen à cover the need of rice to the ivorian population also with the price élevé resellers a lot of méswimming and especially those in the rural area do not come à adequate nutrition and especially those West of the c&taxes;te d'ivoire précisément région du Guemon In the C&taxes;te d'ivoire who have été reé by the war that had seen the c&taxes;te d'ivoire . Therefore, là création of a central of industrial production of rice and the processing rice husks and straws rejectionées in coals bio will be très advantageous and will fill the dédeficit of rice to the ivorian population and provide more than 500 direct jobs and 100 indirect jobs. Also, this développera région.
About the project
The project rice GUEMON is a project-très cost-effective that is à créer a central rice industrial on a total area of 1000 hectares of rice irrigué and transform the straws and rice husks into charcoal bio in order to rémeet the needs of the région du Guemon In the C&taxes;te d'ivoire and contribute to food self-sufficiency in rice by offering a prix détrusting any competition and enabling households to use coal bio that does not produce any fumée which also fight against déforestation abusive and will the exploitation for charcoal. This project will provide 500 direct jobs, but also will be of benefit to; a dédepartment, which has over 38 000 âmes .
Project Initiator
I am Wilfried Klahon and I am a native of the c&taxes;te d'ivoire précisément région du Guemon. I am holder of a master's degree in international trade and a prevet de technicien supérieur in agronomy. I am a business leader Mangro Holding Africa and exporter of cashew nuts raw-in-c&taxes;te d'ivoire for 8 years.
Our needs
The funds will be utilisés: - acquérir tractors in order to&stop;tre très fast in the till , the prépreparation of the soil and the harvest. - acquisition of a unité, which produces rice and 30 tons per hour. - acquérir a machine carboniateur for charring rice husks.
Social Impact
12 persons helped
1) - why implement the project in the Guemon ? Réponse : the Guemon is a région située in the West of the c&taxes;te d'ivoire, this région enjoys a humid climate and tempéré with 4 seasons of rain, yet the water contributes to the good cultivation of rice as grâce à its proximity; with the river Sassandra and is favorable à the irrigation of the rice doú a constancy in rice throughout the année 2) - the project is à what étape ? Réponse : we are à l'étape de la prépreparation of the soil, we have déjà l'éstudy of soils 3) - How long for rice production? Réponse : the variétés of rice that we are going to exploit them are 3 months and have a yield of 8 tons of paddy/hectare 4) - How many tons of White rice, après processing one ton of rice paddy? Réponse : après machining of a ton or 1000 kg of paddy rice we have 670 kg of rice whitens. 67% 5) - do you have a marché for the coal bio ? Réponse : yes we have signé déjà contracts with a major société fran&case;comfortable and local dealers of charcoal.