Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing and Solar Energy Services
"Oretronics Technology strives to enhance the quality of life through sustainable solutions that allow all of us to leave Planet Earth better than we met it." -Engr. Joseph O Orenaike, Founder and CEO of Oretronics Technology

1 project created
Project context
Problem Statement
- Nigeria topped Total Population without Electricity Access with 80.5 million people and came 3rd with 216 hours of Total Hours of electricity outage per month of the top 24 African countries in the year 2009.
- The Central Bank of Nigeria in August 2010 reported that both corporate bodies and individuals spent an estimated $11 billion per annum to meet their alternative energy requirements from fossil based sources.
Currently, Nigeria's electricity generation in this year 2018 is around 4.5 GW, while the near-term market demand is put at about 65 GW. A huge market and abundant opportunities! - 6.4 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions are generated from 2.3 billion liters of kerosene, 1.3 billion candles and 314 million battery light sources by 102.3 million people in 19.1 million off-grid and under-served households in Nigeria annually.
The 1st and Oldest Lighting Technology since the Invention of Electricity (Incandescent Lighting)
- Incandescent lighting wastes about 90% of the energy it consumes as undesired heat
- Cost of powering incandescent lighting is extremely high;
About 10x Solid-State lighting - Large amounts of CO₂ emission is generated by the energy wasted in incandescent lighting
- Incandescent lighting has very short runtime of 1,000hours
Improvement on Incandescent Lighting (Halogens)
- Halogen lighting has runtime lower than 2,000hours
Evolution from Incandescent Lighting (Compact Fluorescent Lighting)
- Compact Fluorescent lighting generates ultra-violet radiation which has been linked to diseases such as cancer.
- It contains hazardous mercury
- CFL has runtime of not more than 10,000hours
About the project
Oretronics Technology increases energy security by developing, deploying and distributing renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and solutions as a means of reducing carbon emissions on our planet.
Oretronics Technology solves Energy Poverty, High Electricity Costs, Electricity Access and Carbon Foot-print challenges in Nigeria.
Oretronics Technology has designed and developed Solid-State Lighting products for the Nigerian market that consume about 90% less energy than incandescent lamps boasting luminous efficacy in excess of about 125 lumens per watt.
Oretronics Technology will manufacture and distribute energy efficient Solid-State Lighting products.
Oretronics Technology will deploy decentralized Solar Energy with Energy Storage Systems by providing Solar Energy services in Nigeria.
Oretronics Technology Solid-State Lighting consume 90% less energy than incandescent lamps; highest industry luminous efficacy above 125 lumens per watt, using innovative Filament LED Technology; longest runtime hours of 15,000; no Infra-Red nor Ulta-Violet radiations; no environmentally hazardous mercury. Offers lowest electricity consumption or bill in the entire lighting industry.
The en.lighten-U4E-UNEP December 2016 Nigeria Country Assessment Report, states that 2.5 TWh of electricity, US$152.4 Million of electricity cost and 1.16 million tons of CO₂ emissions can be saved by Nigeria in lighting alone annually by year 2030 if Nigeria migrates to Best Current Global Minimum Energy Performance Standards. Please note that Oretronics Technology Filament LED technology is ahead at 6.5W for standard A60 810 lumens lighting than Current Best Available Technology at 8W for same A60 810 lumens lighting which obviously is ahead of Best Global Minimum Energy Performance Standards in lighting at 14W for same 810 lumens from Compact Fluorescent Lamp. $1.7Million cost savings to end users in Solid-State Lighting alone in the first year and $32.7Million at the end of the 5th year. Solar Energy will save $110,772 in the first year deploying 30units of 6.8KWh Energy-Storage-Systems with 10,000 cycle life from electricity tariff at the rate of 5.3US Cents per KWh, and at the end of the fifth year with 500units of same size deployed, cost savings in electricity tariff of $1.8Million would have been made.
- Market Size
Residential lighting stocks Over 80 million units
Commercial lighting stocks About 7 million units
On-grid/under-served population 24 million
Off-grid population Over 78 million
Off-grid & under-served households Over 19.1 million
Environmental Impact -
Reduction in Greenhouse gas (Carbon footprints) emission
Has the potential for 6.9 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions reduction annually
Significant reduction in noise and exhaust pollution from electric generators, etc.
Increased energy security
Improved air quality
Improved energy efficiency
Access to good quality potable water
Development & Social Impact -
Enhanced quality of life
Stimulation of economic activities
Increased income levels
Multiples of 100 new businesses will be created
Multiples of 600 new jobs will be created
Employment generation
Technology and skill transfer
Improved education
Improved health impacts from higher quality lightings, etc.
Improved and increased households, outdoor, street and highway lightings
Poverty reduction
Rural electrification
Female empowerment
Improved and longer after dark activities
Project Initiator
Engr. Joseph Olabode Orenaike has extensive experience in the energy sector. He worked for Mobil Producing Nigeria for ten years. He had also worked for Communications Associates of Nigeria (COMSAC), Shell Project Division, Port Harcourt for three years and Nigerian Television Authority, Abeokuta, for four years. He is a registered engineer with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN); member of The Nigerian Society of Engineers. Orenaike holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, USA.
Our needs
107518 Euro will increase our A60 810 lumens Solid-State Lighting from 2,000 units at a time to over 31,000 units; significantly increase our profit margin; lowers our landing cost and by extension our wholesale and retail price thus further increasing sales.
152984 Euro will be used for the commencement of the roll-out of Decentralized Solar Energy with Energy Storage Systems
Social Impact
5 persons helped
What is Solid-State Lighting?
Solid-state lighting refers to lighting that uses semiconductor Light-Emitting-Diodes (LEDs), Organic-Light-Emitting-Diodes (OLED), or Polymer Light-Emitting-Diodes (PLED) as sources of illumination rather than electrical filaments (used in incandescent-lighting where wire-filament is heated to such a high temperature that it glows with visible light), plasma (used in arc lamps such as fluorescent lamps), or gas.
What are other competing Lighting Technology(ies)?
Fluorescent lighting employs, low-pressure mercury-vapor gas-discharge light source where fluorescence is used to produce visible light when electric current in the gas excites mercury vapor, which produces short-wave ultraviolet light that then causes a phosphor coating on the inside of the lamp to glow.
Why would a potential beneficiary or user choose to engage with Oretronics Technology product or service?
Oretronics Technology Solid-State Lighting offers the lowest electricity consumption/bill in the lighting industry. Our Solar-Energy services offers very-long-cycle-life of Energy-Storage with extremely low Levelised-Cost-of-Energy in the industry. Solid-State Lighting Technology creates visible light with reduced heat generation . Thus, it offers the following benefits: It does not contain the hazardous-mercury found in Compact-Fluorescent-Lamps and thus is environmentally friendly. It does not generate infrared-radiation nor ultra-violet-radiation which has been linked to diseases such as cancer. It has better color & intensity control, and artificial lighting similar to natural daylight. It provides the best luminous-efficacy in the industry, thus saves 90% of the electricity consumption, resulting in tremendous reductions/savings in electricity cost. It reduces the total cost of ownership. It provides up to 20,000 hours of life, thereby reducing maintenance costs as compared to 1,000 hours in incandescent and maximum of 10,000 hours in the best of fluorescents. It offers Intrinsic Safety.
In what stage is Oretronics Technology project presently?
Early stage (close to market). Business planning has been ongoing. Products design and development is completed but remains open. Trial production of wide voltage (85V to 270V) version of A60 810 & 470 lumens Filament LED bulbs- May 2018 (Done). Extended trial production of A60 & A67 810, 470, 1521 lumens, variants- Ongoing. Technical & hands-on evaluation of production samples- August 2018 (On-going). TUV Testing of products- September 2018 (Discussion/work plan on-going). Manufacturing of A60 Filament LED bulbs- Q4 2018. Shipment of A60 Filament LED bulbs- Jan 2019. Distribution, wholesale & minimal retail of A60 Filament LED bulbs- Q2 2019. Discussion & negotiation on partnership/dealership & ODM/OEM services with upstream manufacturers for Solar Energy & Energy Storage- End of Q2 2019 (On-going). Diversification into/deployment of Solar Energy with Energy Storage- Depends on the availability of funding from Q3 2019 (May be much earlier by more than half year).
Describe the geographic area that Oretronics Technology project impacts:
The entire country of Nigeria with plans to export products in future to the rest of West Africa, parts of Europe and the rest of the world.
To which categories does this project primarily align?
- Energy
- Environment
- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
- Manufacturing
- Services
- Start-up