Live a happy life, it is to help others to get out from their sicknesses!

1 project created
Project context
Since the month of march, 2019, our team, has done conducted many actions in several localities in Bénin Republic from the Economic Capital of Cotonou. It is clear that a lot of people are suffering and continue to suffer from the diseases of kidney, of liver, cancer of the prostate, lung, arthritis, sore eyes, paralysis of limbs etc., Health products selling in the black market for many years is one of the causes. But large populations often do not have the money to buy the quanlity products that have been acquired in Europe; some of the products in our local pharmacies don't have real active effects. The population remains very vulnerable in the face of these mortal diseases. Also they do not have the financial means to go in the well equiped hospitals in Europe. Our hospitals are not well equiped with modern equipments. Except for a few wealthy go for medical care abroad. Another danger is the economic situation which is getting worse for several years. There is emergency to act.
About the project
Health is the first priority before anything else ! The poors countries have many chanllenges. Among these chanllenges, there is the major challenge of health. The Community Health Education should not be the preoccupation of government and NGOS only. Our project has a goal to train people on Health Education issues through seminars and conferences. Give them advice. The crowdfunding will help our new organzation to help poors to be able to afford some products internationally recognized as good quality. This will help large people to face their public health issues. The mentionned Diseases continue to ravage populations in Bénin, as in the african countries. Life expectation is around 50 years. Our project is to find sponsors and donors to support part of the cost of these products. It will enable us to enlarge our activities on the whole Benin and to countries affected by Ebola and other endemies.
Project Initiator
I am a trainer in Technology Education and in the Didactics with the level of Master2. I am a phd student currently in the thematic of population education issues and development. I had a certificate in Community Health Education. I have worked as a volunteer for many years in the floating Anastasis and the Africa Mercy Hospitals in Bénin (1997 - 2010). From there, I've learned a lot of things on rural and urban population health and especially on the precarity of health in our country. I'm touched by our populations. I am fluent in French and English languages.
Our needs
The fund collected will be essentially dedicated to the purchase of drugs appointed, and internationally recognized by Doctors, experts, partners of our organization. Trainings, meeting or seminars will be organized to patients periodically. Follow-ups will be also made up for their final healing. reports of activities will be made and sent to our sponsors or donors
Social Impact
1000 persons helped
1. Who are those who will help us toimprove our draft project?
2. Who can finance our project?
3. When is it that our project will be validated and put in line?
4. How to receive the funding once the period is over.
5. What project is the top priority for the sponsors ?
6. What support and follow-up that jamaafunding offers the wearer and to his project once the project is selected?
Counterparts !
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For 300 € or more
Our organization will purchase postcards on Benin and art objects to our donors.